
来源:本站原创 2015/3/30 10:19:24【中华考试网校


  A.More insects.更多的昆虫

  B.Better quality coffee.质量更好的咖啡

  C.Larger farms. 更大的农场

  D.Higher profits. 更高利润

  34.【题干】How do farmers find more land for growing full-sun coffee?


  A.They buy more land from other farmers.

  B.They cut down trees.

  C.They move to another country.

  D.They turn grassland into farmland.

  35.【题干】The full-sun method may affect the following EXCEPT_____ full sun 方式可能影响以下....






Soot(煤烟灰)and Snow: a Hot Combination

  New reasearch from NASA scientists suggests emissions of black soot after the way sunlight reflects off snow. According to a computer simulation, black soot may be responsible for 25 percent of observed global warming over the past century.

  Soot in the higher latitudes(维度)of the Earth, where ice is more common, absorbs more of the sun's energy and warmth than an icy, white background. Dark-colored black carbon, or soot, absorbs sunlight, while lighter colored ice reflects sunlight.

  Soot in areas with snow and ice may play an important role in climate change. Also, if snow and ice covered areas begin melting, the warming effect increase, as the soot becomes more concentrated on the snow surface."This provides a positive feedback, as glaciers and ice sheets melt, they tend to get even dirtier." said Dr. James Hansen, a researcher at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York.

  Hansen found soot's effect on snow albedo(反照率), which may be contributing to trends toward early springs in the Northern Hemisphere, such as thinninbg Arctic sea ice and melting glaciers permafrost. Soot also is believed to play a role in changes in the atmosphere above the oceans and land.

  "Black carbon reduces the amount of energy reflected by snow back into space, thus heading the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon, " Hansen said.

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